
Friday, 12 September 2014

Catching a bus in Samoa

To catch a bus in Samoa you have to put your hand out so the bus driver can see your hand and stop for you. If the bus in Samoa is full, then the bus driver would tell you to sit on someone's lap. In Samoa there are a lot of floods. Heaps of people die in the massive's floods, like baby's, kids, adults and family's. I have never been to Samoa. In Samoa their buses have more designs then New Zealand's buses Samoa's buses are more popular than the buses in New Zealand because they are very colourful than the New Zealand buses.                     


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am prod of my story because it make's scene. It teaches people how to catch a bus in Samoa and tells you the buses in Samoa has heaps of designs. It is funny because if the bus is full then the bus driver will tell you to sit on someone's lap and even if you do not know the person you are sitting on it is weird to.


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